World Cup, RT CrossTalk, and US domestic censorship

Most of the time I write dense blogs & research papers. I sent the e-mail below to someone close to me. Afterward, I realized it tacitly says a lot about the state of our society (liberals included). Sometimes, mixing things and writing about them in a different way can be revealing.

Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2022 7:58 AM
Subject: Birthday, World Cup, Xmas, & RT CrossTalk

Hi J,

Thanks for the Xmas greeting. Same to you, A, A, & V.

We just got back from BA on Monday. Had a lovely 10-day trip celebrating M’s 64th (Beatles) birthday.

On that note, happy b-day to you tomorrow…. a milestone… 70.

Naturally, we are also rooting for Argentina…. but to be honest I have found this World Cup has left a bad taste in my mouth. FIFA is squalid & corrupt, Qatar is a disgusting repressive regime, and many (maybe hundreds) of people have died building the stadiums for our entertainment. I don’t want to be a killjoy, but those thoughts are with me when I watch.

Here is a link where you can watch recent RT CrossTalk episodes:

In my view, CrossTalk is a pretty good show, subject to the standard caveat that every political show has an angle and selectively picks it guests. In relative terms, it’s no more biased than CNN.

The banning of RT by the USG & others is blatant censorship. I am amazed at the silence about that by all our so-called “defenders of democracy”.

A big hug to all,


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