Expand Sarbox, Not Shrink It

There is a growing business chorus calling for shrinking the Sarbanes – Oxley Act (Sarbox) regulating U.S. capital markets. Recently, a self-appointed “blue ribbon” committee financed by Wall Street interests called for making shareholder class action suits more difficult to bring, lowering the legal liability of auditors and directors, and easing accounting certification requirements. In response, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) appears to be moving to implement some of this wish list.

However, corporate behavior over the last few years speaks for expanding Sarbox, not shrinking it. Thus, the CEO pay problem has continued – exemplified by recent massive termination payments to Bob Nardelli of Home Depot and Henry Mckinnell of Pfizer. Major accounting restatements continue at large corporations. And most importantly, there is the CEO stock option backdating scandal, which may extend to one thousand companies and appears to implicate boards of directors, including outside directors.

This backdating scandal scotches the notion that America’s corporate governance problem concerns a “few bad apples” and makes plain that the problem is the “barrel”. That speaks to expanding Sarbox rather than shrinking it.

Here is a set of reforms entirely different from those in the Wall Street blue ribbon Committee’s report. These reforms address the rotten barrel problem, thereby truly improving corporate governance and making America a better place for savers and investors.

Reform # 1. Require that the CEO and Chairman of the Board be different persons. Under current arrangements CEOs frequently also act as Board Chairman. That creates an absolute monarch who is almost completely free of accountability. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Current US corporate governance arrangements have proven the truth of this aphorism, which speaks for having an independent chairman to whom the CEO is accountable.

Reform # 2. Stop share buy-backs. If companies want to increase pro-form earnings per share they can cancel existing shares (with stock options being cancelled proportionately). If companies want to return excess capital to shareholders they can pay special dividends. Stock buy-backs have terrible incentive properties. On the surface, they increase the share price, which benefits shareholders. Unfortunately, share buy-backs may be engineered to increase the share price in order to enhance the value of mangers’ stock options. Consequently, firms may waste capital by overpaying for shares, and shareholders actually lose though managers benefit.

Reform # 3. Allow shareholders with large long-held investments to nominate directors for election on the corporate proxy ballot. Under current rules, shareholders seeking to oust incompetent management must wage a costly proxy fight to get the question put. That advantages incumbent management that has the right, under the corporate proxy, to nominate whomever and propose whatever resolutions it wishes. Giving large committed shareholders access to the corporate proxy will make challenging incumbent management easier, thereby improving accountability and responsiveness to shareholders – which is what shareholder democracy is all about.

Reform # 4. Impose rules on management participation in buy-outs. A hard line would prohibit senior managers from participating for two years after leaving a company. A softer line would say that management must make available to shareholders the buy-out business plan. Currently, shareholders are being fleeced by management buyouts. Participating in buy-outs creates conflicts of interest, including locking firms into paying deal-breaker fees that discourage other buyers from making offers. Managers are the agents of shareholders and have access to proprietary information, yet they are allowed to use this privileged position to benefit themselves at the expense of shareholders.

Reform # 5. Make it obligatory for management to hold vested options for a period of three years. Some portion might even be required to be held longer. Under current arrangements managers often sell options as soon as they vest. That creates an undesirable incentive for short-term management that drives up today’s stock price, perhaps at the expense of long-term profits and long-term shareholder value. Requiring managers to hold on to vested options can realign incentives in a beneficial way.

Reform # 6. Managers should be required to refund performance bonuses paid on the basis of results that are subsequently revised down.

Reform # 7. Make CEO pay accountable and transparent. This can be done by requiring CEO pay packages be submitted to shareholders for approval. All options should be fully expensed. Pay packages should be presented with a comparison of the average pay-package of similarly positioned CEOs, along with metrics of relative performance such as return on equity. Such measures can guard against over-payment and also encourage pay-for-performance, which is the justification of these generous pay incentives.

Reform # 8. Strictly limit the number of directorships of publicly listed companies an individual can hold. The current system has created a “club” network in which CEOs and Directors are cozy with each other. This coziness weakens oversight and promotes CEO excess. Increasing the size of the director pool can help restore a more professional arms-length relationship in boardrooms between directors, board chairs, and CEOs. It also speaks to having worker directors on the board.

Rather than supporting a rollback of Sarbanes – Oxley, the facts of current U.S. corporate behavior speak to expanding it. Business conservatives have invited a debate over Sarbox. Progressive investor activists should accept that invitation and make the case for expanding Sarbox and deepening corporate accountability.

Copyright Thomas I. Palley

3 Responses to “Expand Sarbox, Not Shrink It”

  1. Paul Cox says:

    The SEC’s adoption and implementation of XBRL will enable worthwhile changes, like yours, to the reporting requirements. This, in my opinion, would make the U.S. the safest place to invest and reclaim the IPO market place lead.

    Sound just like another technology solution, but this time it’s different. 😉

  2. calmo says:

    Good post that only these conservative business interests [“Business conservatives have invited a debate over Sarbox. Progressive investor activists should accept that invitation and make the case for expanding Sarbox and deepening corporate accountability.”] could object to.
    In fact their pitiful cry is that London is going to be the Financial Centre of the Universe if Sarbox is not dismantled.
    I wonder how much further the disparity of wealth and income can be pushed before business interests consider whether they are still milking the cow or bleeding it.

  3. Max Wolff says:

    You have a well articulated shareholders bill of rights here. It sounds likely to advantage institutional shareholders, pension funds, mutual funds and large managers/interests. The idea of including the worker rep is the component outside that orbit. I would agree that worker reps would likely take a strident position regardind CEO and senior management compensation. My question would be, to what extent do you think the equity market battles of the future are between institutional holders, senior management and market regulators? My guess is that the greater struggles may be over actual management decisions as firms develop from national and transnational corporations to truly multi-national enterprises a la Sam Palmisano at IBM. As this takes shape- if it does- leverage over boards and influence may be less about finance practice and more about real operations decision making.